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3 Essential Things an Artist Must Have

Painter Beaudier
Founder of Structuralism
Art and Photo by Beaudier
A simple mixture to spice up your artistic endeavors.

Art is evolving, changing as time goes by but through the test of time there are certain things that an artist possess which leads him/her to fame and success.

  • Creativity. A never ending rendezvous of creative thoughts and ideas is the utmost essential thing an artist must have. Always keep a pencil and paper come in handy to be used when suddenly a great idea pops into your mind.

  • Optimism. Accepting the fact that people do like or dislike your art through their own criticisms and point of views of which do affect your emotions. It does makes one's well being good through positive criticisms on the other hand there are negative criticisms. Try being optimistic and be positive on negative criticisms that will come along the way in your artistic endeavors. Being optimistic in times like this also do work. Think of which and accept these kind of criticisms as a room for improvement, challenge, and mastery of your craft in the pursuit of finding your own true identify in the arts of self-expression.

  • Love and Passion. Love comes with passion, if art is what you really want to do and love to do then let it be follow what your heart's desire and the window of joy, happiness, and fulfillment in life will be with you forever in spite of obstacles.


willie shapira said...

So TRUE,my dear,sans les artistes et leur tenacite,leur engouement,leur reves,le monde serait bien fade et ennuyant!!!